Recent developments in Management und Marketing - How replicable are research findings?


Seminar (in english language)


Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Temme / Prof. Dr. Zielke

Start: 20.10.2022

Time: 12:00 -16:00

Room: CIP 2 (M-13.09)


Target Audience:

This seminar is recommended especially for foreign students but also open for Bachelor and Master students. By participating Bachelor and Master students are able to gain extra points for an application for a semester abroad.


Replication studies significantly contribute to the credibility of empirical research findings in marketing or management and thus foster the accumulation of a sound knowledge base in these disciplines. According to Hubbard and Armstrong (1994, p. 236), a replication is defined as “a duplication of a previously published empirical study that is concerned with assessing whether similar findings can be obtained upon repeating the study.” Narrow replications, which apply the same research design on new samples of the same population as in the original study, assess the representativeness and validity of the original results. In contrast, quasi-replications use a modified research design (e.g., measures or methods) and/or samples of a different population in order to assess the robustness and/or generalizability of the original study’s empirical findings.

In this seminar, participants will first acquire some basic knowledge on how to replicate empirical studies. Participants will then obtain the competencies to conduct a replication study on their own. Given a target article recently published in a top-tier marketing journal, they will develop the replication design, create the necessary stimuli, and collect the data. Finally, upon analyzing the collected data they have to assess if the replication has been successful.


Participants are required to present the results of their replication study during the seminar and to write a seminar paper.


Students should register for this course via StudiLöwe during the registration period (24.08.2022 - 14.09.2022).


You will find the link to the moodle-course here.